Martial Arts Benefits for Children
Martial Arts Benefits for Children Beyond the obvious benefits of kids learning martial arts, there are several reasons to consider when...
MyFitnessPal App
What is the MyFitnessPal App and How Can It Make Your Workouts More Successful? What is the MyFitnessPal App and How Can It Make Your...
Why is Aerobic Exercise Important As We Age
Why is Aerobic Exercise Important As We Age At some point, we’ve all heard the phrase, “use it or lose it.” Even a young person who...
Surviving the Holidays Without Killing Your Diet
Surviving the Holidays Without Killing Your Diet By this time of the month, you’ve probably dodged the bowl of peanut M&Ms that someone...
New Year's Exercise Resolutions that Stick
New Year's Exercise Resolutions that Stick Woohoo-Christmas is over and now you’re getting ready to start a brand new year! If you’re not...
After-Workout Smoothies Improve Workout Results
After-Workout Smoothies Improve Workout Results We’ve all walked by the smoothie bar at the club at some point, and thought, “Yeah, one...
Stretch Your Muscles and Prevent Injuries
Stretch Your Muscles and Prevent Injuries Stretching for many of us can seem like one of those areas of exercise that can be skipped...
Sleep is Not an Option, It is a Necessity
Sleep is Not an Option-It's a Necessity Sure, we joke about wanting a nap during some of our busiest days, but we all know that isn’t...
Sitting, the Most Comfortable Way to Die
Sitting, the Most Comfortable Way to Die Everyone loves those invitations from friends that start with, come over, let’s sit down and...
Sugar, the Sweetest Enemy
Sugar, the Sweetest Enemy You know the second it hits your tongue—that sweet sensation that follows as you enjoy whatever treat you’re...