Cold Temperatures and Comfort Calories
Cold Temperatures and Comfort Calories

Fall is finally here and with that, the temptation to cuddle up and enjoy those comfort foods. There is certainly a time for this, but don’t forget to keep your fitness goals in mind. The great news is that you can enjoy some of your favorite foods and keep them in the healthy category. In fact, you’ll find many copycat recipes online where you can switch out some of the more fattening ingredients for healthy, low-calorie options without sacrificing taste. On those cold days when nothing sounds better than a blanket, a movie and some of your favorite dishes, remember how hard you’ve worked all summer and how easy it can be to maintain that progress during the fall and winter seasons. Another area where people tend to get distracted from their fitness routine is the weather of the day. Sometimes, when it’s cold and wet outside, it can be difficult to get motivated to go workout and sweat. This is when you really need to keep the reason why you’re doing this in front of you. Whether you’re using a picture goal or a number goal, make sure it’s out in front of you each day, where you’ll see it when you wake up and where you’ll see it during your daily activities. Only when you’re focused on why you want to reach those goals will you continue to get up and keep going! Working with another partner can also be helpful because they will be motivated on the days you’re not—accountability is powerful. True, the weather is cooling down and things are heating up with school activities, job responsibilities and the holidays, but you will feel more victorious at the end of the season if you stay on track with fitness and health. By taking the time to take care of you and eat healthy even during these busy times, you’re going to get some long-term benefits that are worth the effort. See you in the gym!